b'Non FoodPOSG7 / Trung Nguyene UK & Ireland Distributor: ASCO Foods Limited. Website: www.ascofoods.comExclusivCoffee PosterPOSTRU100 A4 Exclusive UK & Ireland Distributor: ASCO Foods Limited. Website: www.ascofoods.comPOSTRU101 A3Vietnamese Coffee Vietnamese CoffeeProduct Info Sheet Product Info SheetProduct Packing Type Bean Description Serving Product Packing Type Bean Description ServingInstant Hot or Iced ground Robusta A Dark,Hot or IcedCoffee Robusta Inesrtvae natsbyolua cplke ase. it is an coffee toCoffee bodiede stron g maandde fw24 x 30 g s 40 x 250 g cofrfeoebustaulitlh-(15 sachets) Intense, full body coffee. seoulencdt f odn leyrv beans TRU001 then ntruym obf robusta c ionne ieetxnpaomr t- cou offee G7 Black Instant Coffee Creative 1 GrTRU010ound Coffee in the world.Instant 3-in-1 combines coffee, non- Hot or Iced ground Arabica us a in b g ith e bind Hot or IcedCoffee Robusta dairy creamer and sugar allCoffee Ar ca aing efnoouunsd 24 x 320 g in one convenient sachet 40 x 250 g o n .t ihtee sh iagh cloamnpdsleoxf(20 sachets) Just addstir .Vnieltyn ai m separated roasted for a fanthot astic wmedium ater and sweetblend of TRU002 coffee to enjoy anytime andcG7 3 in 1 Instant Coffee anywhere. Creative 3 GrTRU013ound Coffee aoroffmeae w, iitt hb rai nsmgso oat sht traosntge.Instant Robusta 3-in-1 combines coffee, non- Hot or Iced ground premium Hand sbeansed preamt high iumHot or IcedCoffee dairy creamer and sugar allCoffee Arabica Arabicaelectgrown 20 x 352 g in one convenient sachet.40 x 250 g altitudes provide a fragrant the bintense TRU003 (22 sachets) Justhot water and stirandflavPour erfwithout ect fdo r for a add fantto astic enjoy medium anytime sweet andittce Vrineetsnsa. mese IcecoffeeclassiG7 3 in 1 Instant Coffee anywhere. Creative 5 GrTRU015ound Coffee Coffee.Inst Robusta A rich, satisfying instant y Hot or Iced ground Robusta, A coomfbfienea bteioann osf c 4u lvmairniavteinri Hot or IcedCoffeeant cappuccino with non-dair Coffee Arabica, onfacblend served at o etieg s24 x 216 g creamer20 x 500 g Cacelsa & 1,000 Trung Nguyen coffee (12 sticks) nut to beandena johint yed of athazel your - Ex timorTRU004 convenience. houses. A smaleldeerdapmero ucnutpoG7 Instant Hazelnut Gourmet Blend GrTRU020ound Coffee duf ec otfof teeh eis s nterength and Cappuccino aroma.Instant Robusta A rich, satisfying instant y Hot or Iced ground Robusta, A ennde o tfo 2 mi avkaer tiehtiies sHot or IcedCoffee Coffee & Arabica co bml b24 x 216 g cappucciand no wa ithint h noof n-mocha dair 12 x 425 g traditblend ionalandViethe tnasubtle mese creamercoffee (12 sticks) t joyed at your TRU005 coo nbvee ennience. TRU021 adil add o dition tooftchoceo u anniqdu beu attned r G7 Instant Mocha Premium Blend Ground Coffee intense aroma.CappuccinoG7 / Trung NguyenT: 01494 434 953E: sales@ascofoods.comW: www.ascofoods.com T: 01494 434 953E: sales@ascofoods.comW: www.ascofoods.comCoffee Info Booklet Exclusive UK & Ireland Distributor: ASCO Foods Limited. Website: www.ascofoods.comPOSTRU103 A5Join us: /company/ascofoodsG7 / Trung Nguyen Shelf WobblerPOSTRU11096 To order:-Tel: 01494 434 953Email: sales@ascofoods.com'